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Remove tattooed eyebrows
Remove full-sleeve tattoos or just specific areas
We remove all tattoos without judgement
We all get tattoos expecting and wanting them to be a lifelong commitment. But they don’t have to be. We can remove tattoos from every area of the body, no matter their size, complexity or content.
We get tattoos to mark special occasions, values or interests. Some choose tattoos simply for their aesthetics. But as your life changes, our tastes change too. We have gotten exceptional results removing tattoos with our laser treatments, in many cases entirely removing the tattoos to leave the skin fresh and blemish free.
At your consultation, we’ll review your tattoo and offer you a bespoke treatment plan. No matter how large, thick or finely detailed your tattoo is, we’ll have your skin clear and refreshed in no time.
Tattoo removal is a matter of time and expertise. Our laser treatment expertise is second to none, so removing even the largest tattoos is simply a matter of time.
Black tattoos can be particularly hard to remove. When done poorly, the ink can spread out across the skin or absorb deep into your dermal tissue.
Black tattoos can be particularly hard to remove. When done poorly, the ink can spread out across the skin or absorb deep into your dermal tissue. Even when done well by an experienced tattoo artist, thick black tattoo lines can be tough to fade. Laser treatment can dramatically fade thick black tattoos over multiple sessions. The success of your treatment will depends on the specifics of the tattoo design, the quality of the ink used, and your skin’s unique characteristics.
Eyebrow tattoos have been quite popular in the past, and we’ve treated many clients with black, brown, blonde and red eyebrow tattoos.
Eyebrow tattoos have been quite popular in the past, and we’ve treated many clients with black, brown, blonde and red eyebrow tattoos. Laser treatment is very effective at removing eyebrow tattoos, especially those done in lighter shades. Since most eyebrow designs tend to be relatively thin, or fit the shape of the natural eyebrow, our laser can usually penetrate deeply enough to remove the tattoo entirely.
Large tattoos that fully cover the arms, legs, chest and back are, as you’ll know, done over long periods of time and with sincere commitment.
Large tattoos that fully cover the arms, legs, chest and back are, as you’ll know, done over long periods of time and with sincere commitment. Removing them also takes time and an equally significant amount of commitment — but it can be done. At your consultation, we’ll discuss the details of lasering a large tattoo. Depending on your particular designs, you may have to temper your expectations about total removal.
We aim to provide a safe and judgement-free environment for clients seeking to get a tattoo removed. We have helped clients remove tattoos in sensitive and private areas.
We aim to provide a safe and judgement-free environment for clients seeking to get a tattoo removed. We have helped clients remove tattoos in sensitive and private areas. In some instances, the sensitivity of the treatment stems from the content of the tattoo, not its placement. Our professional and discreet team will gladly help you remove offensive or distasteful tattoos.
Every one of our dermal clinicians is a member of The Australian Society of Dermal Clinicians. We are dedicated to providing evidence-based, client-tailored solutions.
You'll need to book an initial consultation with one of our dermal clinicians. During this appointment, we'll assess the size of your tattoo, as well as the colour and quality of the ink used. We'll also ask you about your medical history in case you have any conditions which may interact negatively with our laser therapies.
Then, we'll devise a personalised treatment plan that’ll lay out your treatment schedule.
We use the PicoWay laser treatment. It releases a pulse of laser light energy into individual skin follicles and shatters the ink in the targeted tissue.
We utilise three PicoWay laser devices for tattoo removal.
By specialising in multiple PicoWay devices, our Melbourne team can choose the most effective approach for your needs.
The short pulses feel similar to the snap of an elastic band; our clients describe it as uncomfortable but not painful. However, we can apply a numbing cream to the treatment area at your request.
For two weeks before treatment, you'll need to avoid:
If your tattoo has hair, shave the area (as well as a two-centimetre border around it).
Post-treatment, the treated area may feel like it's been slightly burnt. To minimise blistering, swelling, and bruising, follow these instructions:
We also recommend moisturising the area using Hydra Factor K cream.
The treated section of skin will temporarily lighten in colour. This will fade with time, and your skin will return to its usual hue.
After your first session, your tattoo will appear faded. It will take several treatments to entirely remove a tattoo.
Victorian Dermal Group is a full-service dermal clinic, and we offer a range of safe, effective and evidence-based treatments to refresh and rejuvenate your skin.
You’ll hear plenty from our dermatologists at your consultation. For now, have a read of what our clients have to say about the results we deliver.
Yes, laser tattoo removal is extremely safe. This is a mature treatment with decades of research behind it, and our clinicians are well-trained and highly experienced.
Thanks to the PicoWay laser, we can fully remove most tattoos. However, if the colour pigment lies outside the scope of what our laser can detect, a faint trace may remain. We'll let you know when you visit for your initial consultation.
In the days following your treatment, you may experience:
Yes — we can target specific skin tissue, so it's possible to target and remove one section of the tattoo.
Unless the tattoo covers a pre-existing scar, it's highly unlikely laser removal will cause scarring — especially if you follow the aftercare instructions.
We're not going to lie to you and tell you that tattoo removal is pain-free. It hurts, but not as much as it is made out to be.
In fact, it often is less painful than getting the tattoo in the first place. We liken it to a light stinging sensation, like snapping a rubber band against your skin.
When you come in for treatment, we will do our best to manage this pain. We will also advise you on managing any discomfort in the weeks after your treatment.
The treatment schedule for tattoo removal will vary widely from person to person. Smaller tattoos will take fewer sessions to remove, and small, clean lines will be more easily removed than thick, black lines.
If you require multiple sessions, it's best to wait six to eight weeks between treatments.
Follow this guide when planning a tattoo removal:
The precise timeframe of your tattoo removal will depend on many factors, including colour, lines, layering, and your complexion. If you'd like to know more about how long the process will take, contact our expert team for a consultation.
The cost of laser tattoo removal treatment depends on the scope of the treatment and must account for the size and complexity of the tattoo. These factors will determine how many sessions of laser treatment you will need.
We can only give you a quote for your treatment after your initial consultation.
While laser treatment is an incredibly safe procedure, we do not have enough evidence to know for certain that it is safe for pregnant people.
It is best to wait till you are no longer pregnant before seeking laser tattoo removal.
No, you cannot get laser hair removal without damaging the underlying tattoo.
Laser hair removal devices work by lightly singing the hair follicle. The laser is able to ‘target’ the hair because the melanin absorbs the heat. However, your tattoo pigment will absorb the heat meant for the hair and subsequently begin to break up.
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