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Non-surgical solutions to lift and lighten facial wrinkles

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Jaw, Jowl & Chin

Tailored wrinkle-reduction treatments for smooth, glowing skin

Following your consultation with our Melbourne clinicians, we’ll tailor a treatment plan to target fine lines, deep wrinkles, asymmetries or sagging skin — whatever you need to feel comfortable and confident.

Before & after: non-surgical wrinkle reduction

Our clients rely on us to achieve natural-looking results. By offering a range of wrinkle-reduction treatments, we can thoughtfully design a specific treatment plan for your unique face.

  • We use industry-leading technology and safe injectables
  • Our clinicians have decades of collective experience delivering precise treatment
  • We tailor treatments to each client, ensuring you’ll get the results you’re after

As you can see, we’ve kept our clients' trust by delivering extraordinary results. Book your consultation today, and let’s see what we can do for you.

Book a consultation

Types of wrinkles we treat

At the Victorian Dermal Group, we offer a range of laser and micro-needling treatments and wrinkle-reduction injections to effectively treat different types of wrinkles.

Fine lines

Age isn’t the only cause of wrinkles. Stress, diet and dehydration, environmental pollution, sun exposure and even genetics can cause fine lines across your face as early as your mid-twenties.

Age isn’t the only cause of wrinkles. Stress, diet and dehydration, environmental pollution, sun exposure and even genetics can cause fine lines across your face as early as your mid-twenties. Our gentle wrinkle-reduction techniques can lift lines without stretching or stiffening the skin to cause a ‘had-work-done’ look.


Deep creases

Deep lines tend to come with age, though they can be exacerbated by your lifestyle and environment.

Deep lines tend to come with age, though they can be exacerbated by your lifestyle and environment. We can dramatically reduce the depth of deep wrinkles by employing more comprehensive wrinkle-reduction procedures, possibly across multiple sessions.


Static wrinkles

These wrinkles and lines remain on your face when you have a neutral expression. They’re typically caused by the loss of collagen and elastin in your skin, which happens with age.

These wrinkles and lines remain on your face when you have a neutral expression. They’re typically caused by the loss of collagen and elastin in your skin, which happens with age. We’ll recommend a wrinkle-reduction treatment based on the location and depth of your static wrinkles.


Dynamic wrinkles

Dynamic wrinkles appear when you make facial expressions and disappear when your face is neutral.

Dynamic wrinkles appear when you make facial expressions and disappear when your face is neutral. While we aim to lighten deep or unwanted dynamic wrinkles, the art of our wrinkle-reduction technique is in removing static wrinkles while maintaining enough flex in your skin to allow you to emote naturally.


Our renowned doctors

While our medically-trained clinicians have earned a wide range of accreditations and industry recognitions, our greatest pride is the trust we’ve built with our long-term clients.

What to expect at your consultation

You’ll sit down with one of our clinicians to discuss your aesthetic goals and medical history. We'll assess your skin to see which wrinkle-reduction procedure will work best for you:

  • Dermal fillers
  • Ultrasound wrinkle treatment
  • Laser treatment
  • RF needling

The longevity of each wrinkle-reduction injection treatment varies. Our team will offer you comprehensive advice on which solution will give you the most natural-looking results and rejuvenated skin.

The First Step

The benefits of our wrinkle-reduction procedures

Wrinkle reduction is only one of the many benefits of our treatment. We can also help you to: 

  • Elevate your self-esteem
  • Soften expression lines and skin texture
  • Restore skin elasticity and feature symmetry
  • Prevent future wrinkles
  • Balance shape and symmetry
The Benefits

Preparing for your wrinkle-reduction appointment

We will settle on a treatment plan for you at your initial consultation. Based on that plan, we’ll give you comprehensive preparation documents so that you’ll know exactly how to prepare for your treatment. It’s important to follow our recommendations so that you can get the best possible results and so that you heal well and quickly.

Generally speaking, you’ll need to avoid other skin resurfacing techniques, like chemical peels and skin needling, for at least a week before your appointment. In addition, you should avoid taking aspirin or other blood-thinning medications on the day of the appointment.

Feel free to ask us any questions at your consultation or via phone or email.


How to take care of your skin post-treatment

Straight after your treatment, you must avoid stressing your facial muscles by frowning, raising your eyebrows and squinting for about half an hour.

You'll also need to avoid:

  • Lying down for four hours post-treatment
  • Exercise for 24 hours
  • Massages on the treated area
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Taking blood-thinning medications

We'll schedule a follow-up appointment two weeks post-treatment to ensure we see the expected results. If you have any questions before this appointment, don't hesitate to call or email us.


Wrinkle reduction injections

We offer two types of wrinkle-reduction injectables. The first type is a dermal filler, which uses hyaluronic acid to fill wrinkles, tighten sagging skin, and soften and moisturise dermal tissue. The second is a muscle relaxant, which gently relaxes the facial muscles causing the wrinkles. Both types of injectables are extremely safe and highly effective.

Laser wrinkle reduction

Our Clear + Brilliant wrinkle laser treatment uses focused laser pulses to stimulate the skin. The goal is to kickstart your skin’s collagen and elastin production, restoring your skin’s youthful lustre and lightening fine lines and wrinkles.

Radio frequency wrinkle reduction

Our RF micro-needling wrinkle treatment is highly effective at relieving fine lines. Micro-needling is conducted using an oscillating needle (similar in basic concept to a tattoo gun) to prod the superficial layers of the skin very gently. Combined with a focused RF current, micro-needling stimulates collagen production and leaves you with smooth, soft skin.

Specific wrinkle-reduction treatments

We offer several treatments targeting different features of the face.

Our Melbourne wrinkle-reduction clinic treats all skin types

Age and stress express themselves differently on different types of skin. We aim to create an inclusive clinic with sensitive and effective treatment plans for all our clients.

Wrinkle-reduction treatment for dark skin

We offer a variety of wrinkle-reduction treatments specifically designed for dark skin. Dermal fillers and tissue relaxants are also popular for patients with brown and black skin tones looking to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

These injectable treatments temporarily relax the facial muscles that cause wrinkles providing natural-looking results and a smoother appearance.

Wrinkle-reduction treatment for pale skin

Fine lines can appear more pronounced on people with lighter skin tones. In our experience, laser and micro-needling treatments tend to be the popular choice.

Book your consultation at our Melbourne clinic, and recommend the best wrinkle-reduction treatment for your skin type.

“Fantastic staff, comfortable atmosphere, quality service”

The skincare experts your idols trust

You’ll hear plenty from our dermatologists at your consultation. For now, have a read of what our clients have to say about the results we deliver.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which areas can you treat with wrinkle-reduction injections?

Our wrinkle-reduction cosmetic treatments commonly treat:

  • Crow's feet (the lines around the outer eye)
  • The lines between your eyebrows (also called the glabella)
  • Forehead crinkles
  • We can also treat wrinkles around the mouth, nose, jaw-line, chin, and neck.

Do wrinkle-reduction injections hurt?

Wrinkle-reduction injections are no more painful than a pinprick. However, we can apply a numbing cream to the treatment area to remove any pain. With the anaesthetic applied, all you’ll feel is light pressure.

How much do wrinkle-reduction injections cost?

The cost of wrinkle-reduction injectables can vary depending on the provider, the number of units required, and the area being treated.

At Victorian Dermal Group, we offer a free consultation to discuss your specific needs and provide a tailored treatment plan.

Are wrinkle-reduction injections the same as dermal fillers?

No. Wrinkle-reduction injections work by inhibiting muscle movement beneath the skin. Dermal fillers, on the other hand, add volume and can add definition to your face.

How long do wrinkle-reduction injections last?

Wrinkle-reduction injections can last between 3 and 24 months. Their lifespan largely depends on how gently you care for your skin and how much time you spend in the sun.

Can I use wrinkle treatments for excessive sweating?

Many of our patients ask us whether they can use wrinkle-reduction injections for excessive sweating, and the answer is yes!

Wrinkle-reduction injections block the nerve signals that tell your glands to produce sweat. This can be an extremely effective treatment for those who suffer from excessive sweating, also known as hyperhidrosis.

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